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Simplemente Esencia is a space founded by Margarita de los Ángeles to support spiritual development and integral well-being for highly sensitive people and for those who wish to reconnect with their sensitivity.
Before manifesting on this plane, it existed in the heart of the founder who was guided by her spiritual team to contain the spiritual development of other beings, creating a space that she herself could not find for her own development, so she was guided to accompany others with these same needs. This initiative focuses on offering resources and tools that facilitate personal growth and connection with the spiritual world .

Through a variety of holistic practices and therapies, including guided meditations, spiritual development workshops, and energy healing and activation sessions.


Its goal is to empower individuals to explore and expand their spiritual awareness in a judgment-free environment, emphasizing freedom of spirit, respect, and unconditional love. With an accessible and inclusive approach, it aims to democratize spiritual practices and foster a community of learning and mutual support within a framework of ethics and integrity.


The formation of the Being is the compass

of our highest spiritual purpose.


Spiritual development in an inclusive way, to achieve an expansion of consciousness at all levels (physical, mental, spiritual and energetic), times and dimensions, that allow us to live this multidimensional experience in fullness-balance, and -after the change called death- move with this state of consciousness. Advance to higher spheres from the freedom of the spirit, having experienced a spiritual consciousness in oneness with the Universe/Everything/God/Nature, or whatever you prefer to call that higher power that sustains us all. We work from a spiritual and not religious framework , therefore, here no dogmas will be questioned, imparted or imposed. On the contrary, we work focused on a consciousness of "freedom" and "oneness", the formation of the "Being", beyond the cognitive capacities of man, the approach is based on experimentation through the spiritual senses and human development. The "Being", as that which transcends all the schemes of the mind, that which sustains impermanence as a natural-neutral state.



"The Spirit World has the power to open the spiritual heart to new perspectives, guiding you along paths to unimaginable places, on a profound journey of self-discovery."

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